Explore by clicking any of the titles – Have a blast!

Alaska – 1935

Alaska Digital Archives – Official Photographic Album ARRC

Alaska’s Digital Newspapers

Alaska Far Away  -Available for purchase at the Colony House Museum

Alaska Grown – Palmer

Alaska Heritage Museum

Alaska Railroad Scenic Tour 1955

Alaska State Library -Historical Collection Videos

Alaska’s Matanuska Colony – National Parks Service Publication

Alaska State Fair

Alaska State Fair 2007 Giant Cabbage Scott Robb by S Nowers

Alpine Historical Park

Anchorage Museum of History and Art

Cape Decision Lighthouse Society

Cook Inlet Historical Society

Dorothy Page Museum

Hope Sunrise Historical Society

Hope Virtual Museum

Iditarod – The Last Great Race

Independence Mine State Historical Park

Lake George Outburst Flood

Lake George The Self Emptying Lake

Matanuska Colony – UAA/APU Consortium Library

Matanuska Colony YouTube video – Making a Colony style dress, apron & meal

Matanuska Experiment Farm 

Matanuska Valley Historical Photo Project

Mat Su Farm Tours: AD Farms

Mat Su Farm Tours: A&M Farm

Mat Su Farm Tours: Arctic Organics

Mat Su Farm Tours: Country Garden Farm

Mat Su Farm Tours: Grey Owl Farm

Mat Su Farm Tours: Havemeister Dairy

Mat Su Farm Tours: Kenley’s Alaskan Vegetables

Mat Su Farm Tours: Rempel Farm

Mat Su Farm Tours: Stockwell Farm

Mat Su Farm Tours: Wolverine Farm

Morris Thompson Culture and Visitors Center

Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry

Musk Ox Farm

Naknek Cannery History Project

Nike Site Summit

Oscar Anderson Museum

Palmer Visitor Center and Museum

Pratt Museum

Project Jukebox – Digital Branch of University of Fairbanks Oral History Program

Pyrah’s Pioneer Peak Farm

Reindeer Farm

Research the History of Your House

Resurrection Bay Historical Society

Russian Orthodox Sacred Sites in Alaska (ROSSIA)

Seward House Historic Museum

Talkeetna Historical Society & Museum

Tanana-Yukon Historical Society

The Matanuska Colony – Kirk H Stone 1950 US Dept of Interior

Wasilla-Knik Historical Society

Where the River Matanuska Flows – Stories from Alaskan Pioneers – Available for purchase at the Colony House Museum

Yukon Historical and Museums Association

Historians and Genealogy

Coleen Mielke 

Palmer Bookstores 

Fireside Books

Local Governments 

City of Palmer

City of Wasilla

Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Visitor Information

Glenn Highway Scenic Byway

Mat-Su Convention and Visitors Bureau

Chamber of Commerce, Palmer